Arlon 44570XB025 0.025" Uncured Silicone Rubber with Fiberglass
Seller in Dongguan price: $2093 per MT
Seller in Toronto price: $2404 per MT
Arlon 44570XB025 0.025" Uncured Silicone Rubber with Fiberglass in Polymer, Glass Fiber Filled, Thermoset, Molded, Silicone
2 prices for Arlon 44570XB025 0.025" Uncured Silicone Rubber with Fiberglass
Seller from Dongguan – 2021-06-24:
Seller from Dongguan work with company: 3M, Solvay, SABIC Innovative Plastics (GE Plastics), Lehmann & Voss & Co.
Price: $2093 per MT
Seller from Toronto – 2021-06-27:
Seller from Toronto work with company: RTP Company, Teknor Apex Company, SABIC Innovative Plastics (GE Plastics), ALIMEX GmbH
Price: $2404 per MT